Sunrise Home For Girls
In response to the love of Christ, Southern Christian Services for Children and Youth operates the Sunrise Home exclusively for adolescent girls aged 12-19.
Sunrise allows youth to receive specialized and evidenced-based therapeutic services for up to 2 years, including:
24/7 Admissions and On-Call Clinical Team
Needs Assessments and Individualized Treatment Planning
Individual Trauma Therapy
Group Psychoeducational Day Treatment Services
Experiential Group Therapy (i.e., gardening, yoga, art, pet therapy)
Psychiatric Services
Specialized Educational Services
Peer Support
Transitional Living Services
Personal Advocacy
Case Management
For more information contact, Noreen@southernchristianservices.org.
"This is a huge problem around the world, and Mississippi is no exception. Currently, there are no specialized places for these youth to go when they are found. They often end up back on the street and back in the cycle of abuse. Requires intense therapy and treatment that is different from what is offered in a typical group home setting. Southern Christian Services has stepped up to fill this gap in services and answer the call to serve these children. We are so grateful for their willingness to jump into this fight and to work with some of Mississippi's most vulnerable children."
- Lindsey Simmons, Board President, Mississippians Against Human Trafficking